Contracts in Gorelo outlines, pricing, payment terms, billing frequency, labour coverage, products and services, including the financial aspects.
To start working with Contracts, Go to Contracts from side navigation.
Click on Contract Group and select New from the dropdown.
Step 1: Client and Location
Select the Client and location for which you want to create a contract
Step 2: Invoicing Settings
Below are some settings for your Contracts
Start Date: Refers to the date on which your contract starts.
End Date: The date on which the contract is scheduled to expire.
Invoice Creation (Days before): Indicates the number of days before the billing period that the invoice will be generated.
Invoice Due (Days later): Specifies the number of days after the invoice date within which payment is expected.
Invoice Template: Refers to the standard format that will be used for creating invoices.
Invoice Email Template: Refers to the standard format that will be used for emails to send invoices to the client.
Reference: A unique identifier or reference number associated with each invoice.
Auto Approve and Send: Enable if you want your automated invoices to be directly got approved and sent to your client.
Contacts: List the contacts whom you want to send invoices to.
Step 3: Select Contract Types
In the Labour section, you may select one of the contract type for your client to define the coverage and rates of labour.
Step 4: Add Products and Bundles
Add Product Bundles that you want to bill to your client in each Billing period.
Make changes in the Product's cost, price etc. as per your preference.
You can get your quantity of a product dynamically on the basis of
Step 5: Save your Contract
Once you are done with all the above steps, click on the Create button to save it.
Automated Invoices:
Based on your contract's Invoicing Settings, our system will generate invoices automatically for each billing period on the number of days before the billing period.
The system is configured to generate invoices automatically based on your contract's 'Repeat Period', a designated number of days before the start of your billing term as specified in the 'Invoice creation' field of your Contract.
To view your billing terms, go to your saved contract and click on three dots option. Next, choose Contract Invoice(s)
This popup lists all the terms (based on your Repeat Period) starting from the contract's start date till future three terms. You can also generate invoices on your own whenever you want from this popup.