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Global Search
Written by Sam
Updated over 12 months ago

Global Search in Gorelo allows users to search relevant data within the application without having to navigate through different sections manually.

To use Global Search feature, click on the "Search" icon present on top right side.

Type in the keyword in the search bar, our system will retrieve relevant results from various modules within the application.

There are two types of search options:

  1. Relevant: This condition retrieves results that contain the entered keyword.

  2. Exact Match: This condition fetches results that precisely match the entered keyword.

The results are categorised in to various tabs:

  • Quick

  • Tickets

  • Assets

  • Docs

  • Clients

  • Contacts

  • Invoices


  • The Quick tab is the default focus, presenting results from all entities containing matching keywords.

  • Each entity showcases its top 5 results.

  • In the event of additional results, the interface displays 'And x more,' which is clickable. Selecting 'And x more' directs the user to the corresponding tab within Global Search.

  • Clicking on the result navigates user to the detail page of that item.


  • The ticket tab retrieves results associated with tickets. Users have the option to search for tickets based on either the Title or Comments.

    1. For "Search by Title," the system looks for the entered keyword in the ticket number and title.

    2. For "Search by Comments," the system searches the entered keyword in ticket comments.

  • Upon clicking on one of the results, the user is redirected to the corresponding Ticket Detail page.


  • The Asset tab facilitates the retrieval of results associated with assets.

  • Users can search Assets by Asset Name, Description, Serial Number and Device’s last logged in user.

  • In the case of RMM devices, the displayed results feature below quick access buttons,

    1. CLI: It provides the capability to execute scripts and PowerShell commands on the respective device.

    2. ScreenConnect: It allows users to establish a remote connection with the device.

  • Upon clicking one of the results, users are automatically redirected to the corresponding Asset Detail page.


  • The Docs tab facilitates the retrieval of results associated with documents.

  • Users have the option to search for a document either by its Title or its content.

  • Our system retrieves both regular and structured document entries in the results.

  • Clicking on a specific result will navigate the user directly to the corresponding document.


  • The Contacts tab streamlines the retrieval of results associated with contacts when searched by contact's name or email.

  • The presented results include the following quick access buttons:

    1. Client: This button redirects the user to the detailed page of the contact's client.

    2. Tickets: Clicking on the Tickets button directs the user to a list that fetches all the tickets associated with the contact.

  • Clicking a specific result will promptly navigate the user to the corresponding Contact Detail page.


  • The Clients tab facilitates the retrieval of results associated with clients when searched by their name.

  • The displayed results feature a set of quick access buttons, each serving a specific purpose:

    1. Ticket: Clicking on this button navigates the user to a Ticket list, fetching all tickets associated with the client.

    2. Asset: Clicking on this button directs the user to an Asset list, retrieving all assets linked to the client.

    3. Contact: Clicking on this button leads the user to a Contact list, fetching all contacts associated with the client.

    4. Invoice: Clicking on this button guides the user to an Invoice list, retrieving all invoices associated with the client.

    5. Contract: Clicking on this button navigates the user to a Contract list, fetching all contracts associated with the client.

  • Clicking a specific result will promptly navigate the user to the corresponding Client Detail page.


  • The Invoices tab facilitates the retrieval of results associated with invoices when searched by the Invoice Number.

  • Clicking a specific result will redirect the user to the corresponding Invoice Detail page.

Global Client Focus

If you wish to refine the results in the global search to be specific to any client, you may select client(s) in the Global Client Focus. The results in each tab will then correspond to the client selected in the client focus.

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