In an unlimited contract type, the customer is billed for the products or services according to the contracted schedule, which may be on a monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis. There is no limit on the number of hours dedicated to fulfilling the contractual obligations.
Create Unlimited Contract
To add an Unlimited contract, go to Add contract screen.
Fill the Client and Invoicing section and select "Unlimited Hours" as Contract Type.
If Auto Approve checkbox is active in your contract then upon closing a ticket under this contract, the time spent will be approved automatically. No need to go through the approval process on the Approve and Invoice screen.
Now choose your preferred coverage Work Type and Billing roles for this contract.
Add your Products and Bundles that you want to charge your customer for each billing cycle.
Click on "Create" button to complete adding Unlimited Contract.
Add Unlimited Contract's Time Spent
To add a time spent in a ticket that falls under this unlimited contract,
Go to a ticket, Click on Time Spent.
Add your Hours spent and make sure you select the Work Type and Billing role that falls under unlimited Contract OR you may directly select the contract
Save the Time Spent
Now close the ticket to see it on Approve and Invoice screen.
View the ticket on Approve and Invoice Screen
On ticket closure, the ticket can be seen in Approve and Invoice screen.
The ticket will show in Waiting to Approve tab only if "Auto Approve" checkbox in Contract is unchecked.
Note that the Amount charged in time spent for this contract will always be zero.
On Approving the ticket or if the Auto Approve checkbox in contract is active then time spent will be moved to the Complete tab.
Automated Invoice
In accordance with the billing terms and dates specified in your unlimited contract, automated invoices are generated on the designated date. These invoices cover charges solely for the products and bundles included in the unlimited contract. Time spent for this particular contract is not subject to additional charges.