In Gorelo, there are four distinct types of billable status: Billable, Not Billable, Not Billable (Hidden), and Write-Off. Each status serves a specific purpose as follows:
1. Billable
The Billable status indicates that the product will be invoiced based on its total amount.
2. Not Billable
The Not Billable status designates that the product will not be invoiced, and its amount will be adjusted to zero. However, the product will still appear on the invoice PDF.
3. Not Billable (Hidden)
The Not Billable (Hidden) status means the product will not be invoiced and will not appear on the invoice PDF, but it will still be visible in the invoice details.
4. Write-Off
The Write-Off status removes the product from the invoice entirely when it is generated.
Application of Billable Status
These status options are utilized across various areas in the system, ensuring appropriate billing.
· Contract
· Invoice
· Time Spent in Ticket
· Product/Bundle in Ticket
In the Contract Manage screen, three billable options are available against each line item:
Not Billable (Hidden): The line item will not appear on the Contract Preview or Invoice PDF,but will remain visible in the Contract and Invoice Manage screens.
Not Billable: The line-item amount is set to zero and will be visible on the contract and invoice but not billed.
Billable: The line item will be invoiced based on its total amount.
Invoice Manage
In the Invoice Manage screen, three billable status options are available against each line item:
Not Billable (Hidden): The line item will not appear on the Invoice PDF but will remain visible in the Invoice Manage screens.
Not Billable: The line-item amount is set to zero and will be visible on the invoice, but it will not be billed.
Billable: The line item will be invoiced based on its total amount
Time Spent in Ticket
When adding a time entry from a ticket, three billable status options are available: Billable, Not Billable, and Not Billable (Hidden).
However, on the Approve and Invoice Screen, an additional Write-Off option is available. When Write-Off is selected for a time entry, it will disappear from the Approve and Invoice, but the time entry will still be visible on the Ticket Manage screen with the Write-Off status.
Product/Bundle in Ticket
When adding a product or bundle to a ticket, three billable status options are available: Billable, Not Billable, and Not Billable (Hidden).
Approve and Invoice for Closed Tickets:
On the Approve and Invoice for closed tickets, the Write-Off option is available. If the product or bundle status is updated to Write-Off, it will be removed from both the Approve and Invoice and the Ticket Manage Screen.
Approve and Invoice for Unclosed Tickets:
For Unclosed Tickets, the Write-Off option is not available on the Approve and Invoice.